5 key factors to choose a potting equipment


5 key factors to choose a potting equipment

“OK, the resin has been tested. It performs even better than we expected. Let’s proceed with it. Now we must define the dispensing equipment to industrialize the process.

Thomas you are in charge of it. I want a proposal on my desk within the next meeting in 2 weeks.”

If you are familiar with this kind of situation, here you are 5 key factors to choose a potting equipment (and get the job done easier):

Product specifications: All the specs of the component to protect and insulate are fundamental to understand and set the goals.

Potting material: the selected potting material may determine the kind of potting process. This important choice will define the treatment of the resin, the casting in atmosphere or under vacuum and the cycle of polymerization needed. In this phase it will be fundamental to consider all the aspects of the material, for example viscosity and abrasiveness to make a potting machine able to process it.

Resin treatment and vacuum dispensing: the 2k resin system should be pre-treated and degassed to dispense a homogeneous and perfectly mixed material.

Configuration: The configuration of the equipment is related to the number of parts your company needs to manufacture per year. The machine should be able to provide you with the same quantity and quality of material on every single piece.

Customization: When standard is not enough, the potting equipment can be customized to meet specific needs, so it is important to consider if you require any custom features or future upgrades.

Thomas do not waste your time! (Yes, we know your name is not Thomas, or maybe yes).

Accelerate your decision on the best suited potting equipment for you joining our FREE Potting sprint program and get a tailormade solution in only 2 weeks.